PinnedAryella LacerdainBetter Programming10 Things I Learned After 6 Months of Mob ProgrammingThese are the most important things I’ve learned about mob programmingJan 27, 20221Jan 27, 20221
Aryella LacerdainBetter ProgrammingHow to Cache Your React Native Dependencies in GitHub ActionsCaching allows for faster builds by reusing downloaded packages. With a little bit of trickery, we can cache our dependencies in GH ActionsJun 5, 20231Jun 5, 20231
Aryella LacerdainBetter ProgrammingEfficiently Sort Geo-points by Distance in ElasticsearchQuerying geo-distanceJul 19, 2022Jul 19, 2022
Aryella LacerdainBetter ProgrammingOver the Air (OTA) Updates With React Native CodePush and GitHub ActionsOne way to address a classic mobile deployment problem in React Native… without having to go through the official app storesJun 29, 20222Jun 29, 20222
Aryella LacerdainReact BrasilIntroducing React Native Accessibility EngineHere’s a new, simpler way to make your React Native app more accessible.Feb 28, 2021Feb 28, 2021
Aryella LacerdainReact BrasilCI/CD com GitHub Actions + FastlaneAutomatize seu fluxo de desenvolvimentoNov 22, 2020Nov 22, 2020